This is a SQL script to get a list of duties and privileges based on a security role.
I definitely saw something similar before, but couldn't find it again. So I'm putting it down here for reference.
USE [Model_database_name]; SELECT secRole.AOTNAME [Role_Name], secRoleExplode.SECURITYROLE, secRole2.AOTNAME [Subrole_Name], secRoleExplode.SECURITYSUBROLE, secTask.AOTNAME [Task_name], secRoleTask.SECURITYTASK, secTask2.AOTNAME [secTask2_name], secTaskExplode.SECURITYSUBTASK, CASE WHEN secTask2.TYPE = 0 THEN 'Privilege' WHEN secTask2.TYPE = 1 THEN 'Duties' ELSE 'Other' END AS OBJECTTYPE --,secTaskEntryPoint.ENTRYPOINT,, --CASE -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 0 THEN 'No access' -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 1 THEN 'Read' -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 2 THEN 'Update' -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 3 THEN 'Create' -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 4 THEN 'Correct' -- WHEN secTaskEntryPoint.PERMISSIONGROUP = 5 THEN 'Delete' --END AS [Access level], secObject.TYPE FROM SECURITYROLE secRole join SECURITYROLEEXPLODEDGRAPH secRoleExplode ON secRole.RECID = secRoleExplode.SECURITYROLE JOIN SECURITYROLE secRole2 ON secRoleExplode.SECURITYSUBROLE = secRole2.RECID JOIN SECURITYROLETASKGRANT secRoleTask ON secRoleExplode.SECURITYSUBROLE = secRoleTask.SECURITYROLE JOIN SECURITYTASK secTask ON secTask.RECID = secRoleTask.SECURITYTASK JOIN SECURITYTASKEXPLODEDGRAPH secTaskExplode ON secRoleTask.SECURITYTASK = secTaskExplode.SECURITYTASK JOIN SECURITYTASK secTask2 ON secTaskExplode.SECURITYSUBTASK = secTask2.RECID --JOIN SECURITYTASKENTRYPOINT secTaskEntryPoint --ON secTaskEntryPoint.SECURITYTASK = secTask2.RECID --JOIN SECURABLEOBJECT secObject --ON secObject.RECID = secTaskEntryPoint.ENTRYPOINT WHERE secRole.AOTNAME = 'HcmEmployee' ORDER BY OBJECTTYPE, secRoleExplode.SECURITYSUBROLE
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This is a great one. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to show the Privilege/Duty descriptive name instead of the AOTname for tasks and sub-tasks ?
Try this and see if it is what you want. Add the code below after line 37:
DeleteJOIN ModelElementLabel label1
ON = '@' + label1.Module + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20),label1.labelID)
AND label1.Language = 'en_us'
And add label1.text to your selection.
Repeat this exercise for subtask (SecTask2).
Thank you for sharing! I’m now working on advertising management software project, this solution builds on the Microsoft dynamics architecture, so maybe I will need to get a list of duties and privileges based on a security role. In this case, the script will be extremely useful :)
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, very helpful!